Important Dates
October 17
October 17
November 14
December 2
January 12
December 12
January 13
January 23
Schedule available online for Winter & Spring 2023
Petition can be turned in to Counselors and once signed forward to AHC.
Registration opens @ 8:00 am for Winter & Spring 2023
Deadline for College Now Petitions for Winter 2023
Winter Classes Begin
Winter Classes End
Deadline for College Now Petitions for Spring 2023
Spring Classes Begin
EARN college credit while in high school
EXPLORE new career pathways
SAVE on tuition
GET ahead in the game
CHALLENGE yourself academically
TRY out college learning online
Junior or senior high school status
Reside and be enrolled in a Santa Barbara or SLO county high school or home school
Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at AHC to continue in the program
Cannot exceed a maximum of 6 units
REVIEW College Now! Listings
IDENTIFY courses you wish to attend
CONTACT your counselor for academic advice (if necessary)
GO to Class Search and find classes offered
Unofficial High School Transcript
(RHS will submit on behalf of student)
College Now! Appeal (if applicable)
Reasons for Appeal:
Freshmen/Sophomore eligibility
Low GPA at AHC
Enrolling in more than 6 units
Pre-Requisite Appeal (if applicable)
Apply for admission on AHC website
Set up myHancock portal & email account
Complete forms (available above or from the AHC College Now! website)
Obtain signatures:
Email completed/signed form to high school counselor
Complete online form, sign, scan & email to counselor. Students that do not have access to a printer can scan from iPhone or download the app Tiny Scanner; or
Complete online form and save to tablet, sign by downloading PDF Reader by Xodo from Microsoft store for free.
High school counselor will review, attach unofficial transcript and forward to Assistant Principal for approval
Assistant Principal will submit completed & signed forms along with unofficial transcript to AHC admissions
Once cleared, enroll in classes through myHancock portal
Pay fees (if applicable)
1. Email your high school counselor. Be sure to check your school email frequently for their reply.
2. Make an appointment with your high school counselor.
3. Drop in to see your high school counselor during break, lunch or free 1st/7th period.
For detailed information or to download forms, please visit AHC College Now! webpage.
Questions? Please contact the Admissions department at (805) 922-6569 during business hours.